Saw Alive 2017


You've braved SAW - The Ride - now its time for you to take on Jigsaws biggest test, SAW - ALIVE

Make your way through 6 terrifying scenes, all right from the legendary SAW Horror Movies, filled with live actors sure to make life terrifying for anyone who dares enter!

Thorpe Park Mania Review

Now in its eighth season at the resort (making it the second-longest running maze ever at Fright Nights), it's perhaps understandable why Saw Alive receives less attention from regular goers. Though it hasn't received any changes from previous years, Saw remains a dependable scare attraction - it has fantastic scenes, actors who are intense and some nice effects (and the Freezer room is cold this year!).

Though nothing special, Saw Alive will no doubt get newcomers running for the exit at the end of the maze, and will give Saw fans a true feeling that they've been immersed into some of the traps

TypeScare Maze
